First things first: Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts (and your gratuitous, giggle-inducing compliments) on my blogging identity crisis post.
I really felt a little confused about why I’m blogging in the first
place and what (if anything) I should be focusing on, and you guys gave
me a great reminder of what I’m doing here: sharing my passions, my
thoughts, my hobbies, and my everyday, real, unglamourized (not a real word)
life so we can connect and laugh and be inspired and improve ourselves
together. The consensus of thought in the comments seems to be that
while we all enjoy a good crochet/craft post, most of you seem to just
enjoy having a good ol’ internet buddy that you can chuckle and
commiserate and create with. And I love being that buddy. So I
hereby resolve to never again waste time worrying about what I should be
writing, or meeting anyone’s expectations, or keeping up with Susie
Blogger over there with her daily inspirational words of wisdom and
groundbreaking tutorials and 50,000 diehard fans. If I feel like
crafting, craft post. If I feel like whining, whiny post. If I feel like
showing off pictures of my gorgeous offspring, you bet you’re gonna see
some gorgeous offspring. We’re just going to let it all hang out over
here, for better or for worse. Here’s to real, honest blogging! (Yaaaaaay!)
Second things second: Newlyweds on a Budget is giving away 3 patterns of your choice from my shop right now . . . head on over and enter to win!
Third things third:
Have you noticed the animal print trend happening lately? I follow a
few style blogs and have really been loving the dose of animal prints in
some recent outfits . . . whether it’s a big, look-at-me splash of
leopard like in this adorable outfit from The Pretty Life Anonymous, or just a teensy touch tossed in, like the shoes paired with this look from Merrick’s Art,
I’ve been enjoying the spunk and sass and flair that a little animal
adds to an outfit. It seems to instantly perk up an outfit and give it
more personality, which is always a good thing.
So I’ve had my
eye out for cheap, cute animal prints lately and have been a little
disappointed at my meager findings. I truly can’t overemphasize what a
cheapskate I am—I decided against a $14 leopard print scarf the other
day because I thought that was too much to spend for a scarf. I’ll
always have meager findings as long as $14 for a scarf feels like a
rip-off. A part of me knows that this is not an unreasonable price, but a
louder, more obnoxious, penny-pinching part of me b****-slaps that part
into silence. But at Joann’s the other day, I spotted a cute,
lightweight, gauzy zebra print fabric in the red tag clearance
fabrics—score! At $7 a yard, it didn’t seem like a fantastic bargain,
but I figured I wouldn’t need much to make an animal print scarf for
myself . . . I only bought 15 inches of it (which was plenty of fabric for a double-loop cowl/infinity scarf, and rang up to less than $3).
Now, there are plenty of infinity scarf tutorials out there already,
and you can google around and find them if you prefer a more in-depth,
professional approach and finished project. Here was my issue with the
tutorials I found:
1) Many just did not make sense to me. I’ll
admit, I can be a bit of a dummy when it comes to following
instructions, so maybe my pattern-following issues are just my own
problem that needs fixing. But I read through quite a few infinity scarf
tutorials and ended up scratching my head, going, “How does this work?
Fold what? Sew where? Hand stitch? No sir.” We’re going for simplicity here.
They looked too labor-intensive. Honestly, I spent less than $3 on
fabric; I’m not going to spend an hour sewing pieces by hand and hiding
every seam and finishing every raw edge and perfectly ironing each fold. I didn’t turn on the iron, and I was even moaning about
having to get out the pins. I considered not swapping out the hot pink
thread from my machine. Keepin’ it simple.
So this is my
imperfect, one-seam-visible, 3-step infinity scarf tutorial. It
seriously took like 15 minutes to make . . . I spent more time editing
the pictures than sewing the stupid scarf. If you want a perfect,
store-bought, professional-looking piece, I would encourage you to
follow someone else’s instructions, because my version does end up with
one seam line visible from the outside. I am 100% fine with this,
especially since I’m keeping it myself. For 3 steps, $3, and 15 minutes,
I will gladly live with a visible line of stitches. Here’s what I did
to make my scarf:
Step 1: Fold fabric in
half lengthwise (a hot dog fold . . . is that how your teachers taught
you in elementary school?), pin along the long edge, and sew. If
applicable, make sure you sew the right sides of the fabric together . .
. I couldn’t tell if my fabric had a right or wrong side, so I didn’t
worry about it.
Step 3: Making sure your fabric tube is flat and not twisted (unless you want
your scarf to have a twist, that might look neat!), bring the other raw
open end of the tube up and tuck it inside of the folded end from the
previous step. Pin the layers together, making sure you’re catching both
folded layers and the inner tucked layers, and sew ‘er shut (this is
your one visible stitch line).
But I also feel significantly more stylish than I really am wearing it long and belted over a simple sweater:
Taken From Here
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