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    Crochet Sweater Love

    Isn’t it appropriate that I only start feeling the urge to crochet a sweater at the tail end of winter, when it’s bright and sunny outside with mild 5o-degree weather? My inner granny is obviously a little bit senile and disorganized. (She’s the one who loves to crochet so much, and felt absurdly excited just now to receive an email from the library saying the book I put on hold this week is ready for me to pick up—I blame my many old lady tendencies [like my legally blind vision, intense dislike for rowdy youths, and early bedtime] on her, the poor thing. Let’s call her Matilda.)
    One downfall I’ve found with crochet, despite its many wonderful qualities, is sweater inferiority. Knitting definitely wins on that front—despite my love for crochet, I’ll admit that knit sweaters, in general, tend to have a superior look to crochet sweaters. But I’ve found quite a few gorgeous crochet sweater patterns recently that certainly give knit ones a run for their money. Take a look . . . here are some ladies’ sweaters that I think are lovely:
    ladies sweater collage 1: Eva Shrug, $7.99       2: Ladies’ Shrug from Mon Petit Violon, $3.99       3: Aqua Aloha Top, free pattern       4: Diamond Eyelet Wrap from Rachel’s Crochet, $5.95
    Aren’t those all just so pretty? I especially love the Eva Shrug (photo #1)—it is downright beautiful and would transition so nicely into spring. And baby crochet sweaters are particularly darling . . . I just love all of these sweater patterns for munchkins:
    baby sweater collage 1: Varsity Sweater, free pattern      2: Candy Pink Cardigan, $3.99      3: Shortie Sweater from Holland Designs, $4.99      4: Fisherman Sweater, $4.99
    I actually printed out the Varsity Sweater pattern (#1) before Christmas to make for Forrest but ran out of time . . . isn’t it adorable? I’d still like to make him one, although the Fisherman Sweater is so adorably miniature-grandpa-ish, I can hardly resist it. I can 100% envision my grandpa wearing that one, and I’m very tempted to start it for Forrest, too. My child needs multiple handmade winter sweaters to wear into spring, right? And the little girls’ sweaters . . . I’m literally squeeing over them. They are just so sweet . . . it’s official, I’m going to need a daughter next time around.
    Have you ever crocheted a sweater? Any favorite patterns you’d recommend? Am I too late in the season to make one (or 5) for Forrest?

    Taken From Here


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